By using AktieNow's Advanced Conditionals app, you can update fields in your tickets while your agent is working on the ticket, allowing for real-time validation.
Support scenario:
My support team provides quality service to my customers, but I notice filling errors in important fields when I analyze my reports. This happens because my triggers fill in fields with incorrect information in some scenarios, not allowing my team to validate them. To avoid these errors and allow me to have reliable reports, agents must validate all ticket data before closing them.
With Zendesk:
It is possible to use triggers to fill in fields when a ticket is created or updated, but it is important to have great precision when creating triggers to avoid filling errors. Since triggers only fire on ticket updates, it is common for agents not to notice the changes made, as they will move on to the next ticket.
With Advanced Conditionals:
I can change ticket fields automatically while my agents are analyzing the ticket or responding to my customer, without needing to update the ticket. To do this, simply create a rule where the conditions are the support form and the contact reason I want, and fill in the sub-reason using the rule action.