By using AktieNow's Advanced Conditionals app, you can make any field in your Zendesk mandatory when saving a ticket and even define an error message if it's not filled out.
Support scenario:
My support team has been receiving more and more return requests, which led me to create a new request category called "Damaged Product". To avoid errors in my reports, I want the "Products" field to be mandatory when the "Damaged Product" field is filled in, as well as other custom fields.
With Zendesk:
I can set the "Products" field as always required, but this would affect all other forms in your Zendesk where it is present. It is also possible to create a new custom field, such as "List of Damaged Products". However, I would be creating fields with the same purpose, which is not recommended, and this could impact my reports.
With Advanced Conditionals:
I can create a rule where the condition defines that if the "Damaged Product" field is filled in the ticket, the action will force the filling of the "Products" field. Thus, whenever an agent saves a ticket that meets the defined condition and the "Damaged Product" field is empty, they will receive an error message.